Can I have a Featured Snippet and a Normal Result on page #1 of the Search Results for the same URL?

This is interesting. Google will now, in fact, remove your “normal” search result if it shows the featured snippet for that URL: See the announcement and discussion on Twitter:

As an example look at this image of a search for “what is pest control”:

featured snippet

Wikipedia has the featured snippet at the top but its listing for that search is gone from page #1 of the normal search results below.

In fact, its normal listing has dropped to the top of page #2 of the search results, as other people have also observed.

This is a good thing as it removes the ability to monopolise the search results for a specific phrase.

If you’d like to know more contact me today.

Ashley Bryan is an Internet Strategist and a Website Optimisation Consultant located on the Sunshine Coast in Australia with over 19 years' experience. He owns WebsiteStrategies which serves businesses in Australia and New Zealand.

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